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DavidC.Chen · 2017-07-03
  • 7693
  • 4

Project: Ms. Paris Bridal Shop


Location: Shanghai, China


Designer Architects: ON


1/4 Intro/ 介绍

Wedding dresses are often being reflected as the most elegant and beautiful moment of a woman. When that white dress hangs and drapes, the statement of the natural curvature and movement determines a sense of respected sacredness. The complementary dynamics when the dress is being worn to life by a woman, the sight is unforgettable with irreplaceable purity. Therefore, the design of the space, the architecture that resonates with this essence becomes extremely important. As an architectural space, it needs to serve the dresses as a backdrop with tasteful materials and lighting to further enhance the beauty and elegance of a wedding dress. However, how is it possible to achieve this without it being tacky, or even typical? Similar to other branded shops, the client who created this vision of designer wedding dresses platform, was desperate to search for a position in the market to deliver a message: own less, live more.


2/4 Brand positioning / 品牌定位

As the first flagship store located in Shanghai, MS Paris is set to deliver one of the most unique visions for a platform that shares designer wedding dresses like no others. The first thing the architects needed to do is to create a visual language that belongs to the brand, which is abstracted from the subject itself. The visual language of a subtle curvature that signifies the essence of a weddings turns into an architectural statement that softens the polluted corner that of most traditional retail spaces with hard and defined edges of transition.


Every architectural space only needs 1-2 defining moments and visual language/ 每个建筑空间只需要1-2个定义时刻和视觉语言。

The importance of architectural language being implemented as part of the architecture will greatly enhance the sense of the brand, in which people will remember by. This abstraction needs to not be literal, but seamlessly transforms as part of the space itself. After that, materials and lighting then become important considerations as part of the space. If designers set out to base their concepts on lighting and material and furniture in the beginning of each project, it is more likely to end up like a decorator’s work, rather than that of a designer or architect. To each its own, it’s hard to say which direction is the proper way to apply design concepts, but one thing is certain that everyone will appreciate the design intelligence if comprehended well.


Inspired by the curvature of the wedding dress, the reveal of the corner provides an ease of transition into the next space. 受到婚纱曲线的启发,角落的露头过渡到下一个空间。

3/4 Lighting as means of integration with architectural form and visual merchandising照明作为与建筑形式和视觉营销相结合的手段

Lighting in a retail space is a very crucial element to be considered as part of the design. The Ms. Paris Bridal shop aims to deliver lighting method in an unconventional way in which the lighting is integrated seamlessly into the architectural space. It’s not ideal to deal with retail lighting for the sake of lighting up the whole space with a whole splash of light, because it then degrades the mood and atmosphere of the space. It’s something most people do not understand or do not accept for their understanding of lighting is to only have enough light, but not considering how lighting plays a part of the architectural story. It should be something integrated, rather than just applied.

零售空间照明被认为是设计中非常关键的因素。女神派旗舰店旨在以非常规的方式提供照明方式,照明方式无缝集成到建筑空间中。零售空间灯光并不是以整体明亮度为准就好, 更不是只要照亮商品就足够。光是这样的手法其实只会降低空间的气氛和感受度。这是大多数人不了解或不接受的,因为他们对照明的理解是只有足够的光,但不考虑照明如何扮演建筑故事的一部分。它应该是集成的东西,而不只是应用。

The movement of the lighting is integrated with the architecture and visual merchandising.


Unlike tradition lighting methods where spot lights are usually used to highlight the displayed item, MS Paris shop uses an integrated lighting system to “wash” the displayed dresses in a clean and elegant way. 与传统的照明方法不同,传统的照明方法通常使用聚光灯来突显展示的物品,而女神派商店则使用集成照明系统以更干净的优雅方式来“洗”亮显示的物品。

The majority of the store design avoids using too much unnecessary lighting such as over exposed down lights or spotlights. Most of the lighting is used in this linear strip integrated together with the arrangement of items and dresses. More importantly, the overall design concept.


4/4 Conclusion/总结

As an experimental design approach to work with an upcoming brand that delivers high-end designer dresses, there are still many challenges and issues to be solved. This problem is due to the fact typical retailer and merchants are still soaked into the idea of the more the merrier. While this concept may work for warehouse design, supermarkets, outlet stores, and other mix of comparatively less luxurious items, it simply cannot be feasible if you are carrying high-end designer branded clothing, dresses, or items. The mindset needs to shift from being largely available, to being exclusively selective. This also plays with the idea of affordable luxury, momentary ownership of fashion items, and brand loyalty. The gap between fashion retail and fashion rental is still a blurry area to be explored, both with retailers, consumers, and designers. If you lose the appreciation or emotional attachment to branded luxury items, what is the purpose of creating an identity for others to value?



The entire design of the store is designed using the classic black and white color palette. 整体主要色系仍然是以经典黑白色打造,但是也使用大量的纯粹水泥建材来突显现代设计与精品设计的视觉冲突。整体店面设计的线形光源与空间达成了一种律动的和谐感。整体店面也不会过于曝光,也不会感觉俗气或是庸俗。

Conceptual Renderings showing the overall lighting concept. Although many may argue it being too cold, gloomy, or dark, but I personally think this can accent the purity of the all-white wedding dresses. I prefer this method of extreme design to combine retail concepts that are different from standardized protocols. After all, despite of the retail value and commercialism of what design brings, it’s always positive for a design approach to create a topic of discuss, regardless of it being positive or negative.



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毕业于纽约SVA室内设计学士与宾夕法尼亚大学建筑硕士。曾任职于荷兰UNStudio,英国Zaha Hadid Architects与法国CHANEL。 ON Design Lab 合伙与创始人。美国萨凡纳室内设计教授与珠海大学数位建筑设计讲师。经常往返台北,上海与香港。
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