
泡哥杂谈 · 2021-06-05

出售北美数字系统(DS)业务,ams OSRAM与Acuity Brands 官宣达成协议

以下文章来源于x星曜x ,作者Alan Dai



6月4日,ams OSRAM就出售北美数字照明系统(DS)业务与美国照明企业Acuity Brands官宣达成协议,Acuity Brands期望本次收购可以在今年夏天全部完成。

Acuity Brands官宣标题:Acuity Brands and ams OSRAM Reach an Agreement for Acuity to acquirethe ams OSRAM Digital Systems Business in North America.

Am OSRAM官宣标题:ams OSRAM and Acuity Brands reach an agreement for Acuity Brands toacquire the Digital Systems Business in North America.


在《AMS收购OSRAM:激进与保守的碰撞》“在业务和产品模块方面,内容的调整取决于AMS的发展目标……尤其是DI部分的内容,第一批受影响的将包括Clay Paky、ADB、Traxon和Fluence等,除非这些子品牌可以提供较好的营收,否则在AMS的进一步发展中都会逐渐边缘化,出售套现就变得更加有利,毕竟,收购OSRAM是下了真功夫大成本的。”



Acuity Brands是北美知名照明品牌,于2001年12月在纽交所上市,证券代码:AYI.N,当前市值约67亿美元,每股现值188.6美元。其财报年结日为每年8月31日,2020财年全年净销售额达到36.7亿美元(约261.7亿元),较前一年下降0.2%,营业利润4.629亿美元,净收入3.3亿美元,摊薄后每股收益(EPS)8.29美元。

Acuity Brands旗下品牌就跟羊群一样,看上去是挺壮观的,一个一个的咱也不知道都是弄啥的,也不好评论,就感觉很牛逼!接下来又可以把“OSRAM DS”也贴上去了……

公开资料显示,AcuityBrands 是Acuity Brands Lighting 的母公司,是世界领先(我觉得写北美领先还准确些)的商业、机构、工业、基础设施、住宅应用和照明解决方案的服务供应商,在照明方面,解决方案内容包括照明灯具、照明控制、驱动电源、棱柱形天窗、发光二极管、集成照明系统采用的光源以及包括日光的结合室内和室外应用的各种应用设备。





去看了下他们2020年的财报,全版只有英文的,看着是真难受,看了半天也没有说像石破天那样体内有热流涌动直冲任督二脉……算了,摘些表给你们自己去看吧。对Acuity Brands Lighting业务数据不感兴趣的可以直接跳到文末去点赞了,点赞的都发财,发大财。

OSRAM DS北美原来的供应商是要了解下这个变化,那些和Acuity Brands Lighting原有供应资源重叠的部分,可能会被优化,而不重叠的部分,可能得到更多机会。The following table shows the percentage of finished goods manufactured andpurchased in fiscal 2020 by significant geographic region.

The followingtable provides additional geographic information related to our manufacturingfacilities as of August 31,2020.

The followingtable summarizes share repurchase activity by month for the quarter endedAugust 31,2020.

The followingtable sets forth certain selected consolidated financial data, which has beenderived from the Consolidated Financial Statements for each of the five yearsin the period ended August 31, 2020. This historical information may not beindicative of our future performance. The information set forth below should beread in conjunction with Management’s Discussion and Analysis of FinancialCondition and Results of Operations and the Consolidated Financial Statementsand the notes thereto.

The followingtable summarizes our contractual obligations at August 31, 2020 (in millions).

The followingtables present summarized financial information as of and during the fiscalyear ended August 31, 2020 for Acuity Brands, ABL, and ABL IP Holding LLC on acombined basis after the elimination of all intercompany balances andtransactions between the combined group as well as any investments in anon-guarantor (in millions).

The followingtable table sets forth information comparing the components of net income forthe year ended August 31, 2020 with the year ended August 31, 2019 (in millionsexcept per share data).

既然开了头,ams后面速度估计就会更快了,确切的说,是ams OSRAM。DS北美花落AcuityBrands,接下来,要猜的题目是DS(DI) 欧洲/DS(DI)亚太会名属哪家呢?